What is Hypnosis?

The Efficacy of Hypnosis

Hypnotherapy has been shown to be highly effective in creating real change.


Success after just 6 sessions

“We find that for Psychoanalysis we can expect a recovery rate of 38% after approximately 600 sessions. For Behavioral therapy, we can expect a recovery rate of 72% after an average of 22 sessions, and for Hypnotherapy, we can expect a recovery rate of 93% after an average of 6 sessions.”

Source: Barrios, Alfred A. “Hypnotherapy: A Reappraisal,” Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice

Weight Loss


30x More Effective Than Diet and Exercise Alone

“[A Study] investigated the effects of hypnosis in weight loss for 60 females, at least 20% overweight. Treatment included group hypnosis with metaphors for ego-strengthening, decision making and motivation, ideomotor exploration in individual hypnosis, and group hypnosis with maintenance suggestions. Hypnosis was more effective than a control group: an average of 17 lbs lost by the hypnosis group vs. an average of 0.5 lbs lost by the control group, on follow-up.”

Source: Barrios, Alfred A. “Hypnotherapy: A Reappraisal,” Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice

Smoking Cessation


More Effective Than Nicotine Replacement

Hypnotherapy patients were 50% more likely than Nicotine Replacement patients to be nonsmokers at 12 weeks after just one 90min Hypnotherapy session.

Hypnotherapy patients were over 3x more likely than Nicotine Replacement participants to abstain at 26-weeks post-discharge.

Source: Butler, F. K. “Complementary Therapies in Medicine,” Volume 22, Issue 1, February 2014

How Hypnosis Works

What is Hypnosis

Hypnosis is a normal natural state we move in and out of in everyday life.

For example: If you have ever zoned out while driving, watching T.V., listening to music, or working on something relaxing you may have drifted into a state of hypnosis. We also pass through the state of hypnosis while we are falling asleep at night and first thing in the morning. This is why many of us experience our best ideas during these times of the day. The scientific term for hypnosis is the alpha-theta state, which refers to the brain wave activity during this state of consciousness. During hypnosis, the door to the otherwise hidden world of our subconscious mind opens. The subconscious mind rules our impulses, habits, automatic behaviors, motivations, and so much more.

Through the use of hypnosis, we can reprogram your subconscious to bring your whole mind in alignment with your goals.

Can I Be Hypnotized

The ability to go into the state of hypnosis is based on each person’s unique learning style.

Hypnotherapy that takes a one-size-fits-all approach will be effective for approximately 25% of the population. Moving into the state of hypnosis is something you can improve on with practice. All you need to be able to do is relax and follow some simple instructions. Only about 10% of the population cannot be hypnotized. These people tend to fall into the category of mentally disabled with an IQ of 75 and below.

What is it Like to Be Hypnotized

After assessing your learning style, Your hypnotherapist will gently guide you into the state of hypnosis using verbal cues and processes.

The process of hypnosis is not dissimilar to guided meditation. You will be instructed by your hypnotist to sit back, relax, and simply listen along to their instructions. You will likely experience a level of mental chatter during the state of hypnosis. Unlike meditation, it is not necessary to quiet the mind in order for hypnosis to be effective. Hypnosis works to reprogram your subconscious while your conscious mind takes a little break. This is not dissimilar to the experience of daydreaming during a boring class lecture at school. Your conscious thinking mind does not need to be present or engaged to see results with hypnosis. Some people may experience hypnotic sensations such as lightness, heaviness, tingling, and deep relaxation during the process. In the deeper states of hypnosis, you may feel as though your mind wandered off someplace else entirely.

Things To Know

Columbus Ohio Hypnosis is committed to helping kids, teens, and adults recreate their lives.

Our goal at Columbus Ohio Hypnosis is to help you feel better fast while becoming the best “you” you can be. Each day we help people break old habits, remove blocks, and overcome fears – all while increasing motivation, confidence, and joy for life.

Hypnotherapy is solution oriented.

We use hypnosis to help you be the person you want to be today by getting your subconscious mind more in line with your conscious desires, wants, and dreams.

Hypnosis helps you change your reactions and feelings, now.

Unlike many regular “talk” therapies,  Hypnotherapy is very present-focused.

Utilizing hypnosis to access the mind at its subconscious level offers such a powerful path of change that many people experience noticeable results after their very first hypnosis session with us.

We see clients for a wide variety of behavioral & emotional issues.

Whether by way of an in-person Hypnosis Session at our Columbus office, via Telephone Hypnosis Sessions, or Internet Video Conferencing Hypnosis Sessions; we have successfully helped clients in many different areas – from panic attacks to nail biting, weight loss to test anxiety, golf games to grief management, obsessive thinking to fertility, smoking cessation to self esteem, stress management to public speaking anxiety, and much, much more.

  • Hypnosis for Anxiety & Panic Attacks

  • Addiction & Compulsive Behavior

  • Recovery

  • Bereavement Support

  • Career Enhancement Hypnosis

  • Guided Imagery

  • Increasing Confidence & Self Esteem

  • Hypnosis for Fears & Phobias

  • Sexual Dysfunctions

  • Motivational Meditation (Private or Group)

  • Past Life Regression Hypnosis

  • Smoking Cessation Hypnosis

  • Public Speaking Anxiety

  • Stress Reduction & Stress Management Hypnosis

  • Sports Performance Hypnosis

  • Bulimia & Eating Disorder Support

  • Hypnotherapy for kids and teens

  • Trauma Recovery Support

  • Overcoming Trust & Relationship Difficulties

  • Insomnia and Sleeping Issues

  • Weight Loss Hypnosis (Private & Classes)

And much, much more…

Did you know that the smarter you are the MORE hypnotizable you are?

Most people are surprised by that, but it’s true. It’s also true that scientific studies have shown that between 90-95% of the population can go into hypnosis.

Not sure if you can be hypnotized?

Please take 2 minutes to take our “Can I Be Hypnotized?” quiz for yourself and see.

Call it practical Midwestern mentality, but we don’t like to see anyone waste their money or time on something that just isn’t going to work for them, do you?

Let’s get you started feeling better, now! 

The fastest way to get started is to book your first session using our online booking now.

It’s as easy as a few clicks and your done. Pick a time that works best for you, and we will see you in the office then!

Need to see more information about us, our individual rates, and office hours?

Unsure the issue you want to work on is something hypnosis can help?

Give us a call at 614-594-9766 to speak with a hypnotherapist. We do our best to return calls within 48 hours.

We look forward to getting you on track, fast, to your goal.

Once you personally experience Hypnotherapy you will see for yourself just how quickly hypnosis helps you reach your goals.